Why Snooze?

Snooze is dedicated to mitigating, dissolving, or preventing sleeping difficulties.
Our products can be tailored to specific issues and be infused with relaxing oils, vibrating alarms, heating and cooling technology, headphones with noise cancelation, and light dimming accessibility.

By curating products that are designed to help those with insomnia, snoring, or simply achieving a state of relaxation, Snooze solves a problem for everyone.

"Everyone Sleeps,
but Just not Enough."
- Rachel Stein, Snooze Co-VP of Marketing
8 out of every 10 teens do not
get enough sleep.
- National Sleep Foundation's 2024 "Sleep in America" Poll
- National Sleep Foundation's 2024 "Sleep in America" Poll
7 out of 10 College Students report sleeping less than the recommended amount.
Almost ¾ of teens say their emotional
well-being is negatively impacted when they sleep less than usual.
Most teens say school or work schedules and demands are the main factors that keep them from getting the sleep they need.
6 out of 10 College Students report
being tired throughout their day.
About 70 million people in the U.S. struggle
with sleep disorders.
Most teenagers only get about 6.5 to 7.5 hours of sleep per night, although they should sleep between 8 and 10 hours.
Sleeping 60 to 90 minutes more per night can make you happier and healthier.
One in three adults doesn’t get enough sleep.
Almost 40% of adults report unintentionally falling asleep during the day at least once a month.